Canyon Materials, Inc. - HEBS Glass Photomasks

Surfaces with three dimensional structures are required in several fields of micro technology. Structures with sawtooth profile (blaze) increases the efficiency of DOE. Tapered structures offer more flexibility in the design of microelectronics and micro mechanical components. Examples of 3D shaping using HEBS gray level masks are:

  • Tapered structures for microelectronics, e.g. tapered structures in thick polyimide to realize electrical connection between two metallic layers separated by the thick polyimide.

  • Micro optical devices such diffractive and refractive micro lenses, bifocal intraocular lenses, widely asymmetric DOE, miniature compact disc heads, anti reflective surface, complex imaging optics, grating couples, polarization-sensitive beam splitters, spectral filters, wavelength division multiplexers, elements for head-up and helmet mounted display, for focal plane optical concentration and optical efficiency enhancement, for color separation, beam shaping, and for miniature optical scanners, microlens arrays, diffraction gratings, laser diode array collimators and correctors, aberration correction, hybrid optics, micro-mirror array, micro-prism array and various phase-plate with arrays of multi phase level areas to correct or modulate optical path lengths.

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  • Integrated optical components, two dimensional fanout gratings, optical interconnect, signal switching, fiber pig tailing, DOE to couple light from a laser into a fiber.

  • Micro-electro-mechanical (MEM) devices for sensors and actuators in automotive, machine tools, robotics and medical instrumentation, also devices for applications in micro valves, inertial micro sensors, micro machined RF switches, GPS component miniaturization, and a host of other sensors and actuators for applications to space, air, land, and sea vehicles, as well as industrial, biotechnology, and future consumer electronics.

  • Micro-opto-electro-mechanical (MOEM) devices such as laser scanners, optical shutters, dynamic micro mirrors, optical choppers and optical switches.

    Instructions for viewing mask patterns under an optical microscope: Please view mask patterns in the HEBS-glass under a microscope in a transmission mode (i.e. using the bottom light); the mask pattern has little or no contrast in a reflection mode (i.e. using the top light) because the reflectance of HEBS-glass is about 4% in both clear and e-beam darkened areas.

    Instructions for handling and storage: Since the mask pattern is inside the glass, HEBS-glass masks can be washed like a quartz glass substrate, using any solvent or acid (except HF). Strong base solution may cause pits in the surface of HEBS-Glass or any silicate glass. HEBS-Glass masks should be kept at room temperature. Humidity levels from 0 to 100% do not affect HEBS-glass masks.

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